YOU DECIDE: A Woman on the $10?

YOU DECIDE: A Woman on the $10?

Posted by on Jun 25, 2015 in You Decide! | No Comments

On June 17, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced that a woman would be featured on a reissue of the ten-dollar bill. The response to the news has created a triggered a passionate national debate. We want to know what you think. To clarify, the question is not whether a woman belongs on currency in […]

Charleston Deaths Cause National Debate

Charleston Deaths Cause National Debate

Posted by on Jun 24, 2015 in Top Stories, United States | No Comments

On Wednesday, June 18, in Charleston, South Carolina, nine African American members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church were shot and killed while attending a Bible study meeting. The victims were members of the Emanuel AME church and citizens of the Charleston area. The three men and six women ranged in age from the […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jun 20, 2015 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Zimbabwe Demonetizes Currency When the African country Zimbabwe gained its independence in 1980 from British rule, its currency had the approximate value of $1.25 US dollars. The economy was strong. In the early 1990s, however, President Robert Mugabe implemented government-sponsored economic programs that ultimately had a devastating effect on the country’s economy. Designed to “correct […]

Happy Juneteenth

Happy Juneteenth

Posted by on Jun 19, 2015 in Current Events, United States | No Comments

President Abraham Lincoln declared an end to slavery in the United States with the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862. Following the Union army’s success at the Battle of Antietam, Lincoln proclaimed “That on the 1st day of January . . . 1863, all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a […]

Happy 800th Birthday, Magna Carta!

Happy 800th Birthday, Magna Carta!

If there were a Hall of Fame for historical documents, the Magna Carta would be its most valuable player. It is considered one of the most influential pieces of writings in all of history. This past weekend marked the 800th anniversary of the signing of this historic document of governing principles. To mark this milestone […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jun 16, 2015 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Is Cooking Monkey Business? Consuming cooked food is considered to be an important evolutionary milestone for the human race. Since chimpanzees are closely linked to humans in terms of DNA composition and shared traits, researchers at Harvard University decided to conduct a study involving chimps and cooking devices. The series of experiments were conducted at […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jun 8, 2015 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

USA PATRIOT Act Debate Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act. This law expanded the authority of federal law enforcement in order to better identify and stop terrorist acts. There are provisions (or sections, called Titles) that deal with different areas of homeland security. The […]

Water and Blues: Texas Flood

Water and Blues: Texas Flood

Last summer, the state of Texas was in the middle of a severe drought. Heavy rains and tornadoes over the recent Memorial Day weekend, however, have saturated the ground and caused flooding across much of the north and eastern part of the state. Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, and parts of Kansas have all experienced record […]

Recalling Recalls

Recalling Recalls

Posted by on Jun 1, 2015 in Economics, Top Stories | No Comments

Pretty much any product you can purchase–food, a car seat, or medicine, for example–can be subject to a recall. This means that a significant and hazardous defect in the product has been identified and and action is taken by the company to alert the public that a particular product might cause injury or damage. Last […]
