
Photo Essay: Women’s March on Washington

Posted by on Jan 27, 2017 in Top Stories

The day after President Trump’s inauguration, hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children came to march in the streets of Washington, D.C. (as well as in other cities in the United States and around the world). Called the Women’s March on Washington, the public protest was designed as a way to speak out against the political goals of the Trump administration and put a spotlight on issues that could be threatened by President Trump’s policy positions and campaign promises.

The Women’s March is the most recent in a long tradition of public marches and protests held in the nation’s capital city–the most famous most likely being the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom that featured Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

kid on dad's shoulder, marching

It wasn’t just women who marched last Saturday. Men and children joined their mothers, sisters, wives, and neighbors to exercise their Freedom of Speech. Credit: Valerie Cumming


protesters holding sign in crowd

There were plenty of signs held by marchers. Many were based on campaign statements and many referenced the president’s frequent use of social media. Credit: Valerie Cumming


crowd with person standing above on light pole

Estimating crowd size is always hard to do accurately. But photos on the ground show a very large group of marchers. Credit: Valerie Cumming


protester wearing sash

The United States has a long history of women marching in public to promote their rights or to protect the rights of others. This marcher wears a sash that resembles a similar one worn by suffragettes in the early twentieth century. Credit: Valerie Cumming


close up on home-made protest sign

Each marcher’s sign represented their own personal style and highlighted issues and concerns unique to them. Credit: Valerie Cumming


person in crowd holding up sign

Public marches such as the Women’s March on Washington can serve various purposes. It can signal the size of opposition to people in power. It can also rally and inspire the protesters. Credit: Valerie Cumming


young person in tree branch, sitting above marching crowd

Even in peaceful demonstrations, sometimes it helps to find a bit of space for yourself. Credit: Valerie Cumming

Related Links: Click here to read about btw coverage of the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. Click here for a photo essay detailing that historic day of public action.

To learn more about the organizational details of the Women’s March, click this link to read a PDF prepared for use on the day of the event.

Dig Deeper The march was successful and many many people joined. But you might wonder what happens now? The March organizers have put together a list of follow-up actions that are aimed at keeping the pressure on the Trump administration. Discuss these actions as a class. If you are a Trump supporter, what do you think about this list? If you are opposed to the Trump administration, what do you think about the March and these follow up plans?