Thoughts and Prayers . . . and New Gun Laws?

This image shows a firearm controlled by a gun lock. Credit: kbiros/123RF
This week’s story update on the Election Central Web site gives some information about last week’s discussion between the White House and Congress regarding tightened gun control proposals.
In the wake of the Parkland, Florida shooting last month that killed 17 people and injured 14 more, many people are calling for the federal government to take a stricter stand on gun control. This is what usually what happens after mass shootings. Typically, Congress debates possible legislation, is unable to reach an agreement, and nothing happens. This time, however, there is the potential for progress on gun control. There are two reasons for this: the Parkland survivors are showing an unwillingness to let the matter rest, and Trump himself has spoken out in favor of increasing gun restrictions. This post takes a look at the legislation being considered and the likelihood that any of it will actually become law.
To learn more about this story, click here to visit the Election Central Web site and read the full posting.
Credit: McGraw-Hill Education