Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to Supreme Court

The Contemplation of Justice statue on the left of the steps of the United States Supreme Court Building, Credit: Pixtal/AGE Fotostock
This week’s story update on the Election Central Web site provides an update on the successful appointment of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.
On Saturday, October 6, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court, after weeks of concerns surrounding sexual assault accusations made by three women: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnik. Now, because the Constitution grants lifetime appointments to Supreme Court members, Justice Kavanaugh is expected to be interpreting legal controversies and constitutional issues for three or four decades. Here, Election Central takes a look at the events leading up to Saturday’s decision, as well as the nation’s response.
To learn more about this story, click here to visit the Election Central Web site and read the full posting.
Credit: McGraw-Hill Education