Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jul 31, 2019 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

#RickyRenuncia (Ricky Resign) Be careful what you put in a text message. That’s a lesson that Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello learned the hard way earlier this month when nearly 900 pages of sexist, homophobic, profane, and otherwise offensive texts that he exchanged with his top officials were made public. Once the texts (which mocked […]

The Fight for $15

The Fight for $15

Posted by on Jul 29, 2019 in Current Events | No Comments

This week’s story update on the Election Central Web examines the fight in Congress surrounding the federal minimum wage. If you’ve ever had a summer or after-school job, you probably know what it’s like to work for minimum wage. What if you could make more money per hour for the same job? Last Thursday, the […]

Cell Phone Horns?

Cell Phone Horns?

Posted by on Jul 25, 2019 in Current Events | No Comments

From Bigfoot to the criminal with the hook, you’ve no doubt heard a few urban legends. But what happens when the general public starts to believe that a certain urban legend is true? Recently, a story about some exotic health dangers associated with cell phone use grabbed headlines . . . though it later was […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jul 24, 2019 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Affordable Care Act Under Attack With all the headlines about racist tweets, abortion bans, and arguments over gun control in the news, it may seem like the debate over health care has been moved to the back burner. The Affordable Care Act–otherwise known as the ACA or “Obamacare”–has been regularly challenged by Trump and Republican […]

Leveling the Playing Field

Leveling the Playing Field

Posted by on Jul 22, 2019 in Current Events | No Comments

This week’s story update on the Election Central Web examines the continuing controversy around the unequal pay given to American athletes. As you no doubt have already heard, earlier this month, the U.S. Women’s National Team won the FIFA Women’s World Cup. This victory was celebrated all over the country, and the athletes received a […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jul 19, 2019 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Census Controversy Continues? You may have heard that the 2020 census is coming up. The census–an official count of every person living in the United States–is very important because the government uses that information to determine funding and programs for different communities. Census data is also used to draw voting districts. As you also may […]

Happy Anniversary, Moon Landing!

Happy Anniversary, Moon Landing!

Posted by on Jul 17, 2019 in Current Events | No Comments

Fifty years ago this week, three American astronauts traveled 238,000 miles to become the first people to walk on the moon. On July 20, 1969, American Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon’s surface and uttered the now-famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” So how is the […]

Big Pharma Held Responsible for Opioid Deaths . . . but Now What?

Big Pharma Held Responsible for Opioid Deaths . . . but Now What?

Posted by on Jul 11, 2019 in Current Events | No Comments

This week’s story update on the Election Central Web details the political fight occurring about how to properly spend the legal payouts related to the opioid crisis. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, so far during the opioid epidemic, roughly 218,000 Americans have been killed by overdoses tied to prescription pain pills. […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Jul 10, 2019 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Can Smiling Make You Happier? Have you ever heard the phrase, “fake it until you feel it”? Have you ever been having a bad day, and someone tells you to smile because it will make you feel better? Turns out, science supports this theory–but only sort of. For the past century, scientists have tried to […]



Posted by on Jul 9, 2019 in Careers | No Comments

If you’re like many teenagers, you probably enjoy shopping and hanging out at your favorite stores with your friends. Maybe you have even thought about a career in retail. If so, you’re not alone. In fact, the retail sector–which includes everything from department stores to grocery stores to gas stations–employs almost 16 million workers. Here, […]
