Infrastructure: Build Back Better

Infrastructure: Build Back Better

Posted by on Apr 8, 2021 in Current Events | No Comments

This week’s Election Central post describes the legislative discussion on how to begin improving the nation’s infrastructure–its highways, roads, bridges, internet system, and more. Addressing the nation’s infrastructure crisis will require a significant investment of federal dollars. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the United States is currently spending only about half […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted by on Apr 7, 2021 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Alabama Bill Helps People with Disabilities Needing Transplants Imagine this: you are in desperate need of a kidney transplant. But because of a disability, you can’t be put on the waiting list to receive a new kidney. That is currently the law in Alabama. However, last Tuesday, the Alabama House of Representatives voted unanimously in […]

YOU DECIDE: D.C. Statehood

YOU DECIDE: D.C. Statehood

Posted by on Apr 6, 2021 in You Decide! | No Comments

The District of Columbia, the capital of the United States, is not a state. At the time of the country’s formation, not enough people lived in the District to justify statehood. National leaders didn’t want so much power to be concentrated in one state.  Today, D.C. residents pay federal taxes, but still do not have […]

New Economic Perspectives

New Economic Perspectives

Posted by on Apr 1, 2021 in Current Events | No Comments

This week’s Election Central post presents information about the perspective provides by some women in President Biden’s economic advisors. President Biden has appointing several women–and often women of color–to critical positions in his administration that will shape the country’s economic future. (Historically, people of color have been even less represented in the field of economics […]
