
Information About the Clinton Foundation

Posted by on Aug 31, 2016 in Top Stories
42nd president Bill Clinton, the founder of the ,Clinton Foundation serves as moderator for the Opening Plenary Session-Health Innovation at The Clinton Foundation's 2015 Health Matters Activation Summit.

Credit: AP Photo/Earl Gibson III

This week, over on the Election Central Web site, we examine some information about the Clinton Foundation and how it has recently become a point of controversy in the 2016 presidential election.

In 1997, while still president of the United States, Bill Clinton created a charitable organization. Its original purpose was to fund raise for the establishment of his presidential library. (It is customary for outgoing U.S. presidents to create such an institution, located in his home state, as a place to house and organize the papers and artifacts of his administration.) That library-building organization has since evolved into a multi-billion dollar charitable foundation. The Clinton Foundation, however, has recently been the subject of intense scrutiny.

To learn more, click here to visit the Election Central Web site.

Credit: McGraw-Hill Education

Credit: McGraw-Hill Education