CAREERS: Veterinarian
Are you an animal lover? If so, it’s possible that you’ve thought about a career as a veterinarian. But is it enough just to love animals? While working with adorable pets comes with a lot of obvious advantages, there are also plenty of challenges. Here, we take a closer look. What Is It? A veterinarian […]

CAREERS: Nurse Practitioner
Do you like taking care of people? If so, then maybe you’ve thought about a degree in nursing. Some people interested in nursing choose to become an RN, or Registered Nurse. Others choose to take their education a step further and to become a CNP, or Certified Nurse Practitioner. This position is in high demand […]

CAREERS: Internships
Have you, or has someone else you know, ever participated in an internship? What exactly is an internship, and why would someone seek one in place of a more traditional part-time job? Here, we take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of these programs, and help you determine if an internship would […]

CAREERS: Job Sharing
You’ve probably heard of companies that help people share rides (Uber) and even homes (Airbnb). But what about sharing jobs? Tandemploy, a Berlin-based startup company, aims to bring this model to Germany, with exciting opportunities for both employers and employees alike. How Does It Work? Basically, job sharing is exactly what it sounds like: two […]

The “Gig” Economy and You
When you think of the job you might have someday, how do you picture it? Do you imagine yourself working in an office setting with traditional nine-to-five hours, coworkers, and a pension plan? You may have to adjust your vision. Traditional nine-to-five jobs are making way for the growing “gig” economy, with interesting implications for […]

CAREERS: Urban and Regional Planner
What Is It? Urban and regional planners develop plans and programs that help cities and communities grow. They help figure out how to deal with issues related to population growth, and also come up with ideas for how to revitalize areas that might be struggling. Urban and regional planners develop public transportation systems; gather data […]

CAREERS: Film and Video Editor
If you’re like most people, you like to watch movies. But have you ever thought about turning your love of movies into a career? If so, then the field of film and video editing might be for you. What Is It? Film and video editors don’t actually shoot footage. Instead, editors take the raw footage […]

CAREERS: Industrial Psychologist
Do you ever stop and think about what causes people do what they do in the workplace? Do you ever wonder what motivates people to do a good job, or to come to work on time, or to lead effectively? If so, then the field of industrial psychology may be right up your alley. What […]