Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May is a month-long celebration of the cultures and contributions of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community. People from many diverse backgrounds make up this sizable group. Asian Americans include Americans who can trace their heritage to any of the countries in Asia. Native Hawaiians come from the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific […]

Rosenwald Schools Educated African Americans in the South

Rosenwald Schools Educated African Americans in the South

May 17, 2024, is the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that ended the system of racially segregated schools in the United States. To commemorate this important achievement for equality and civil rights, btw takes a look at the history of the Rosenwald Schools.  In the early 1900s, a […]

Students Rewarded for Using Artificial Intelligence in Archaeology

Students Rewarded for Using Artificial Intelligence in Archaeology

Posted by on May 8, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, World History | No Comments

When the Italian volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E., molten rock and ash buried nearby cities and everything in them. About 16,000 people may have died in the explosion, though the exact number of casualties is unknown. Since the 1700s, archaeologists have been uncovering and exploring the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum that were […]

Endurance Runner Completes Charity Run Across Africa

Endurance Runner Completes Charity Run Across Africa

Posted by on May 2, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, Top Stories | No Comments

Russ Cook, a 27-year-old endurance runner, was unhappy and needed a project to help others and improve his outlook.  Russ decided to run the length of Africa. His adventure began on April 22, 2023, at the southern tip of South Africa. He took a western route, finishing at the northern part of Africa in Tunisia. […]

Examining Japan’s Population Decline

Examining Japan’s Population Decline

After World War II (1939-1945), many countries experienced a “baby boom.” As peace and stability returned to many post-war nations, people returned to work and started families. Japan was no exception. In 1945, Japan’s population was just over 71 million people. By the early 2000s, the population had nearly doubled to around 125 million. However, […]

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Posted by on May 2, 2024 in Current Events, Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

On March 26, 2024, the cargo ship Dali lost power as it left the Port of Baltimore, Maryland. Unable to be steered, the massive ship slammed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge. This caused much of the bridge to collapse into the ship channel. Tragically, there were eight workers on the bridge doing maintenance when […]

Growth and Challenges for World’s Busiest Airports

Growth and Challenges for World’s Busiest Airports

Posted by on Apr 25, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, Top Stories, World | No Comments

A growing number of passengers, especially international passengers, are keeping airports around the world busy. In fact, the total number of people who traveled by airplane in 2023 increased by 27 percent from 2022.   A Return to Pre-Pandemic Air Traffic  The international travel and tourism market is driving the aviation industry’s recovery from the COVID-19 […]

Maryland’s First Colonial Settlement Unearthed 386 Years Later

Maryland’s First Colonial Settlement Unearthed 386 Years Later

Posted by on Apr 25, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, United States | No Comments

In 1633, the English sailing ships Ark and Dove sailed across the Atlantic Ocean with about 150 passengers. Many were Catholics who left England to avoid religious persecution and discrimination by Protestants. These settlers were led by Leonard Calvert and Father Andrew White, a Jesuit priest. In March 1634, the ships landed on the western […]

Earth Day 2024: “Planet vs. Plastics”

Earth Day 2024: “Planet vs. Plastics”

Posted by on Apr 17, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, Top Stories, World | No Comments

Did you know that more plastic has been produced in the last ten years than in the entire twentieth century? It can take up to 1,000 years for plastics to break down. Even after that, tiny particles called microplastics remain in the soil, groundwater, and climate.  Educating people is one goal of the annual Earth […]

Happy Birthday, Library of Congress!

Happy Birthday, Library of Congress!

On April 24, 2024, the Library of Congress celebrates its 224th birthday. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. It serves members, committees, and staff of the U.S. Congress. In addition, other government agencies, libraries within and outside of the United States, scholars, researchers, artists, and scientists use its resources.  Beginnings  […]
