Growth and Challenges for World’s Busiest Airports
A growing number of passengers, especially international passengers, are keeping airports around the world busy. In fact, the total number of people who traveled by airplane in 2023 increased by 27 percent from 2022. A Return to Pre-Pandemic Air Traffic The international travel and tourism market is driving the aviation industry’s recovery from the COVID-19 […]

Earth Day 2024: “Planet vs. Plastics”
Did you know that more plastic has been produced in the last ten years than in the entire twentieth century? It can take up to 1,000 years for plastics to break down. Even after that, tiny particles called microplastics remain in the soil, groundwater, and climate. Educating people is one goal of the annual Earth […]

The 2024 Solar Eclipse
A total solar eclipse will occur across a large part of the United States on April 8, 2024. Although solar eclipses happen every year or two, this eclipse is different. It is expected to be the most watched eclipse in history. In addition, new technology will allow people who have visual disabilities to experience the […]

Women’s History Month: Women Airforce Service Pilots
At the height of World War II, more than 1,000 women volunteered for U.S. military jobs that women had never held. They were aviation pioneers who made significant contributions to support the United States and its Allied partners in the war. Called to Serve The United States entered World War II on December 8, 1941. […]

Eliza Jane Nicholson: First Woman to Publish a Major Newspaper
Eliza Jane Nicholson was the first woman in the United States to own a major newspaper. Born Eliza Jane Poitevent, she started working in 1870 as the literary editor of the Picayune, a daily newspaper in New Orleans, Louisiana. During this time, New Orleans was the largest city in the South. It was common for […]

National Election in Mexico Will Be Held in June
Mexico will hold a major national election on June 2, 2024. Voters will select a new president to replace outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. In Mexico, the president is limited to one six-year term. In addition to electing a new president, this election is of major significance because the entire national legislature is up […]

Effects of Oil Spill Near Trinidad and Tobago
An oil spill near the Caribbean country of Trinidad and Tobago has been declared a national emergency. On February 7, 2024, the nation’s coast guard spotted oil coming from an overturned ship about 4 miles (6 km) off the coast of the island of Tobago in the Caribbean Sea. Oil has washed ashore and covered […]

Record HBCU Donation Made to Spelman College
A $100 million donation was made to Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 18, 2024. It is the largest financial donation given to a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). The bulk of the record donation, $75 million, is to be used for scholarship endowments. The remaining $25 million will fund programs for public […]

Kahoot! Celebrating Black History
Created for Black History Month, this Kahoot! celebrates the contributions and impact African Americans have made throughout U.S. History in a fun and engaging way. You can play the Kahoot! yourself or your teacher can play the Kahoot! as a fun classroom activity. Click the image above or here to open the Kahoot! in a new […]

Image May Solve Amelia Earhart Mystery
In 1937 Amelia Earhart attempted to become the first woman to pilot a plane around the world. Unfortunately, Earhart’s plane disappeared over the Pacific Ocean about 1,650 miles (2,650 km) southwest of Hawaii. What happened to Earhart, her navigator Fred Noonan, and the Lockheed 10-E Electra airplane is a mystery. An ocean researcher, however, believes […]