Remembering Aboriginal Leader Lowitja O’Donoghue

Remembering Aboriginal Leader Lowitja O’Donoghue

Lowitja O’Donoghue, a prominent figure in Australian history and Australia’s Aborigine community, passed away February 4, 2024, at age 91. Throughout her life, she was deeply committed to advocating for the health and rights of Aborigines.  The Aborigines are the indigenous, or native, people of Australia. They have a rich cultural history dating back tens […]

French Farmers Halt Protests After Government Promises Changes

French Farmers Halt Protests After Government Promises Changes

Posted by on Feb 7, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

French farmers had been protesting for weeks to bring about reforms in the agricultural industry. They finally received several promises of change from the government on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced plans to help the farmers and meet their demands. This led to the French farmers’ unions calling for an end […]

Reducing Food Waste in Mexico City Market

Reducing Food Waste in Mexico City Market

Posted by on Jan 25, 2024 in Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

Sometimes we don’t eat all the food on our plate, or we don’t eat all our food in our refrigerators. All this leftover food ends up getting thrown out. This isn’t just a household problem, either. Restaurants and grocery stores often throw out uneaten or expired food. This problem is called “food waste,” and it […]

Scientist Hopes to End Malaria by Changing Mosquito DNA

Scientist Hopes to End Malaria by Changing Mosquito DNA

Abdoulaye Diabate is a scientist from Burkina Faso, a country in West Africa. His goal is to end the deadly disease of malaria in Africa and elsewhere. He has studied ways to reduce the mosquito population that transmits malaria. Diabate’s solution uses a process to change the genetic code, or DNA structure, of the mosquitoes […]

Venezuela’s Controversial Vote to Annex Guyana’s Territory

Venezuela’s Controversial Vote to Annex Guyana’s Territory

Posted by on Dec 14, 2023 in Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

Venezuela’s President Nicolaus Maduro wants a large region of neighboring Guyana to come under his country’s control. He claims that the territory, known as Essequibo (EHS uh KIB oh), was stolen from Venezuela in 1899. His government held a referendum, or vote, on December 3, 2023. Maduro declared that Venezuelans voted overwhelmingly to annex, or […]

Workers in India Rescued After 17 Days

Workers in India Rescued After 17 Days

On November 12, 2023, a landslide and tunnel collapse trapped forty-one construction workers in a tunnel in the Himalayas in northern India. On November 28, after 17 days underground, all of the workers were freed! They emerged through a 3-foot-wide escape tunnel that rescuers had carefully drilled. Although wheeled stretchers were available, the men crawled […]

Kenya and Other Nations Focus on Planting More Trees

Kenya and Other Nations Focus on Planting More Trees

The east African nation of Kenya has a goal to grow 15 billion trees by 2032. This is part of an effort to restore trees to over 10 million hectares (over 38,000 square miles) of land. On Monday, November 13, 2023, this effort to improve Kenya’s environment received a major boost. Kenya’s government declared that […]

Mapping the Underwater Eighth Continent

Mapping the Underwater Eighth Continent

Posted by on Nov 9, 2023 in Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

For hundreds of years, explorers and researchers believed Earth had an eighth continent, but they couldn’t find it. Then in 2017 scientists discovered an underwater landmass located southeast of Australia, under the islands of New Zealand. They named the underwater continent Zealandia. They began mapping parts of the landmass in 2019. Now in 2023, an […]

Artifacts in Buddhist Monastery Inform Nepal’s History

Artifacts in Buddhist Monastery Inform Nepal’s History

Posted by on Nov 9, 2023 in Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

Nepal is a country located high in Asia’s Himalayan mountains. In the capital city of Kathmandu, a hidden treasure of religious objects was recently discovered at the Itumbaha monastery. This Buddhist monastery has a rich history dating back to the 1000s B.C.E. Precious objects had been lost for many years, buried in storage rooms under […]

Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks Named Ohio’s First UNESCO World Heritage Site

Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks Named Ohio’s First UNESCO World Heritage Site

Posted by on Oct 26, 2023 in Stuff You Should Know, United States, World | No Comments

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced the addition of the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks to the list of World Heritage sites. The Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks are made up of eight locations throughout southern Ohio. The earthworks are Ohio’s first World Heritage Site and one of only 25 sites in the United States.   […]
