Is the Republican Party Headed for a Split?
Political frustration is hardly new. Continually governing an “of the people, by the people, for the people” global superpower based on open-ended principles laid out more than 200 years ago is no easy feat. Still, this election season has the Republican Party fractured in a way it hasn’t been for many years. Prominent members of […]
Election Central Keeps You Up to Date
Last night was Super Tuesday. Eleven states held primaries and caucuses across the country. Do you know what happened? The best way to stay up-to-date? Keep visiting the Election Central Web site to see who has won what, which candidates have dropped out, and more in depth stories on issues and campaign events. Updated Today […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
The Trump Effect Earlier this month, btw brought you news that Donald Trump had seen a recent dip in his polling numbers. But with the Iowa Caucuses less then two months away, the media spotlight on the real estate mogul/reality star burns bright as ever. The outspoken Republican candidate has a history of making statements […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
EU Strikes Deal with Turkey Turkey is one of the countries that border Syria, and is considered the major transit point for those escaping the Syrian War. Those who remain in Turkey (so far, up to 2 million, more than any other country) live in one of 22 government-sponsored camps along the border. Others continue […]
Republican Debates: 3 Down…
The Republican National Committee kicked off its season of debates in late summer. On August 3, there was a “forum” in New Hampshire, where eleven of the candidates answered questions in front of a live audience. Three days later was the first official, televised debate of this campaign which took place in Cleveland, Ohio. Since […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Texas Abortion Clinic Controversy Some forty years after the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling, legalized abortion continues to be a heated topic, In 2013, Texas’ then-governor (and current Republican presidential candidate, Rick Perry) signed a state law that imposed strict requirements on abortion providers in Texas. Under the law, clinics must meet standards […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Zimbabwe Demonetizes Currency When the African country Zimbabwe gained its independence in 1980 from British rule, its currency had the approximate value of $1.25 US dollars. The economy was strong. In the early 1990s, however, President Robert Mugabe implemented government-sponsored economic programs that ultimately had a devastating effect on the country’s economy. Designed to “correct […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
USA PATRIOT Act Debate Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act. This law expanded the authority of federal law enforcement in order to better identify and stop terrorist acts. There are provisions (or sections, called Titles) that deal with different areas of homeland security. The […]