Stuff YOU Should Know
Colonialism on Trial It’s a tricky issue: a museum in one country puts on exhibit artifacts from another culture. Museums make it possible for the world to see and appreciate these objects. Sometimes, these objects represent the difficult story of colonial histories when powerful nations claimed cultural items from the regions of the world they […]
An Unprecedented Election
The most recent story on Election Central describes how the Trump campaign and the Biden campaign are organizing their final voting push efforts in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s September, and election season is well under way. Maybe you’ve already seen political yard signs and billboards popping up around your community. However this […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Will Halloween Be Cancelled? It may be only September, but in many stores across the country, Halloween candy is already appearing on grocery store shelves. No one knows what Halloween might look like during this pandemic. Local communities and parents will decide if Halloween festivities will be allowed to take place. The Los Angeles County […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Fake-ation? The COVID-19 crisis has caused many people to have to cancel some of their favorite summer activities, such as playing and attending sports events, swimming in a pool or beach, visiting family, or going on a summer vacation. Of course, this has also had a significant economic impact on the travel industry, affecting everything […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Back to School–Sort of “Back to school” can always be stressful. But this year it comes with a new set of challenges. School district leaders must make difficult decisions about whether to begin the school year in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid combination of these two directions. All plans bring with them their own difficulties. […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Goodbye Fall Sports Bad news for college sports fans: both the Big 10 and the PAC-12 have announced that they will be suspending all fall sports, including football, due to fears surrounding the COVID-19 epidemic. This includes any sports that begin before 2021, even winter sports such as basketball. Spokespersons for both conferences indicated that […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
An Incomplete Count? The U.S. Census happens once every ten years. But what is the Census, and why is it so important? The Census is a complete count of every person living in the United States (and its territories). The information is used to determine funding for public services, such as schools and fire departments. […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Biden’s Childcare Plan Did you go to private childcare when you were younger? Do you have younger siblings that attend daycare, summer camp, or some other care program that your parents pay for? If so, you are not alone. Many working parents rely on these services daily. But the expense of childcare makes it a […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Reparations in Asheville One of the more controversial suggestions for how to improve economic equality between white people and African Americans is the use of reparations. Reparations are direct monetary payments to African Americans as compensation for the fact that their ancestors were enslaved and that past generations of African Americans suffered economic inequality and […]