Stuff YOU Should Know
CA vs USA? Lately, Congress has been deeply divided over the issue of immigration reform–so much so that the federal government has shut down twice so far in 2018 as a result. The state of California, run by Democratic governor Jerry Brown, is taking the immigration debate into its own hands. As a result, the […]

The Not-So-Neutral Net?
This week, over on the Election Central Web site, the main story explores the controversial action being considered in Congress called “Net Neutrality.” What is this political issue and how might it affect you? When you go online, do you expect to be able to access any website you choose? Do you want to view […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Shooting in San Bernardino On December 2, married couple Syed Rizwan Frook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people and injured 21 others in San Bernardino, California, an area not far from Los Angeles. The target of the attack was Frook’s place of employment—the San Bernardino Department of Public Health—where around 80 co-workers were engaged in a […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Net Neutrality Passed Last month, btw brought you news of a proposal to determine how the Internet should be governed. On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the net neutrality rules in a vote of 3 to 2. This means that broadband access, once considered an “information service,” will be reclassified as a […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Another Attempt at Peace in Russia For the past year, btw has brought you stories about the conflict in Russia regarding its relationship with the neighboring Ukraine. The most recent effort to halt the ongoing violence is a series of peace talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President Francois […]