Supreme Court Hearings Begin
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee holds four days (over 17 hours) of hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s most recent nomination for the Supreme Court. If confirmed, 53-year-old Kavanaugh would be the replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy, filling the vital “swing seat” that could tip the political balance of the Court for a generation to […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Five Types of Diabetes? Do you or someone you know suffer from diabetes? If so, you’re not alone: it’s the fastest-growing disease worldwide. Until recently, the disease has been classified into two types. Type 1, or early-onset diabetes, is the kind that people are born with. Type 2, or late-onset, develops over time. But scientists […]
It’s been two weeks since the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that killed at least 17 people and injured at least 14 more. Since then, there has been a lot of talk about establishing common-sense gun control laws, while well-worn debates begin once more about Second Amendment rights, […]
Stuff You Should Know
Ongoing Debate on Gun Control In the wake of last December’s shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama moved gun control to the top of his agenda. He proposed a number of new gun laws, including a renewed ban of assault rifles as well as stricter background checks. Lawmakers in Washington are deeply divided on both […]