Stuff YOU Should Know
Cholera Outbreak in Yemen The impoverished country of Yemen is facing a terrifying cholera outbreak. Since late April, at least 269,608 people have become infected with the disease, and at least 1,614 have died of it. In other words, there have been more cholera deaths in Yemen in the past 2 ½ months than there […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Heads-up Displays: Safety Measure or Distraction? As technology continues to evolve at increasingly higher rates, especially in automobiles, safety advocates struggle to keep up. Many luxury automakers, including Audi, Jaguar and Chevrolet have begun offering a “head’s up display” as part of luxury car option packages. This feature projects basic information usually found on a […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
United Kingdom Election On May 4, the people of the United Kingdom participated in new parliamentary election. Within the Parliament is the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is made up of 650 members representing constituencies (geographic areas). Some of the political parties in the country are: Conservative, Labour, […]
Stuff You Should Know
New Premier of China On March 15, Li Keqiang became China’s new premier. Like in England, the premier acts as the head of the government, while the Chinese president functions mainly as a figurehead, similar to Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. Unlike Great Britain or other countries that have democratic elections, China has only one […]