Stuff YOU Should Know
Cholera Outbreak in Yemen The impoverished country of Yemen is facing a terrifying cholera outbreak. Since late April, at least 269,608 people have become infected with the disease, and at least 1,614 have died of it. In other words, there have been more cholera deaths in Yemen in the past 2 ½ months than there […]
President Trump Meets with NATO Leaders
This week, over on the Election Central Web site, the main story examines the end of President Trump’s first overseas trip, which was a meeting with NATO leaders. Last week, while in Brussels as part of his first overseas trip, President Trump met with leaders of NATO to discuss the future of the United States’ […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
United Kingdom Election On May 4, the people of the United Kingdom participated in new parliamentary election. Within the Parliament is the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is made up of 650 members representing constituencies (geographic areas). Some of the political parties in the country are: Conservative, Labour, […]