Comey Testifies Before Senate
This week, over on the Election Central Web site, the main story take a look at some detail from the recent testimony given before Congress by former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey. This investigation centers on understanding how Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election in the United States. Last Thursday, […]

Health Care Replacement–Take Two
This week, over on the Election Central Web site, the main story takes a look at congressional Republicans newest effort to replace the Affordable Care Act with their own national health care reform package. But their first effort–The American Health Care Act–didn’t go so well. What is different this time? April 29th marks an important day […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Government Shut Down Ahead? Saturday April 29 will mark President Trump’s 100th day in office. But it could also signal something else: the start of a partial government shutdown. The current federal government spending bill runs out on April 28. Congress must pass a budget before that date. However, Congress is deeply divided on so […]

Democrats Fight for Seat in Special Election
This week, over on the Election Central Web site we examine the opportunities the Democrats face in a special election in Georgia’s 6th congressional district. When President Trump appointed Tom Price as head of the Department of Health and Human Services, Price’s congressional seat opened up in Georgia’s 6th District. Now, Democrats are turning their attention toward […]

President Trump Addresses Congress
This week, over on the Election Central Web site we examine President Trump’s first major speech to a joint session of Congress. (NOTE: This is not considered a State of the Union speech, since the Inauguration Speech serves that purpose.) On February 28, President Trump gave an hour-long speech in front of both houses of Congress […]

The End of “Obamacare”?
This week, over on the Election Central Web site we take a look at Congressional Republicans efforts to begin dismantling the Affordable Care Act. One of the issues central to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was his plan to dismantle President Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act (nicknamed “Obamacare”). Last Thursday, the Senate voted 51-48 to begin dismantling […]

Russian Hacking and the Presidential Election
Rumors about Russian involvement in the presidential election have been circulating as long ago as last summer. Now, however, there is more evidence that Russian hackers, under orders from President Vladimir Putin, interfered in the election by breaking into the computers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and spreading propaganda and fake news stories. New […]

UPDATED! Women Poised to Make Gains in Congress
Hillary Clinton is not the only woman who hopes to make history on November 8. The number of women in Congress is likely to reach record highs as well. Female candidates will benefit from running alongside Democratic nominee Clinton, and offensive remarks made by Republican candidate Donald Trump may give women an additional boost as well. […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Congressional Hearing on Flint Earlier this year, btw brought you news of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. This month, the federal government held a Congressional hearing on the matter. The purpose of a Congressional hearing is for members of a committee to listen to testimony in an effort to solve a situation through legislation. […]