Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline (Again)
Last year, btw wanted to know your thoughts about the Keystone XL Pipeline. Earlier this month, President Obama formally rejected the permit that would allow its completion. Let’s take a closer look about what has happened and what it means. Pipeline Timeline It begins with TransCanada, the company that wants to build a 1,179-mile pipeline […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Robotic Cars Face Experimental Ethics A couple of years ago, btw brought you a story about driverless cars. Spearheaded by Google X, the experimental division of the giant technology company, the Self-Driving Car (SDC) is equipped with “lidar” (a blending of the words “light” and “radar”). Lidar is a type of technology that measures distance […]
Clinton Testifies in Hearing on Benghazi
In 2013, btw brought you news of a round of Congressional hearings regarding the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The purpose of these hearings is to investigate and report on the incident that resulted in the death of four people, including U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens. Last week, the committee conducted its […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Boehner Resigns as Speaker The last five years has been a tumultuous one for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner. But the Republican politician from Ohio surprised everyone by announcing that he would step down as Speaker and retire from the House altogether. In a public statement, he said that he believed that, […]