The Not-So-Neutral Net?

Is the future of Net Neutrality in jeopardy? © Martin McCarthy/iStock/Getty Images. MHE Canada MHE
This week, over on the Election Central Web site, the main story explores the controversial action being considered in Congress called “Net Neutrality.” What is this political issue and how might it affect you?
When you go online, do you expect to be able to access any website you choose? Do you want to view or stream whatever content you like, regardless of your internet service provider, or ISP? Do you think your ISP should charge you the same amount every month, regardless of which sites you visit?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you believe in net neutrality. And as of December 14, it may be a thing of the past.
To learn more about this story, click here to visit the Election Central Web site and read the full posting.
Credit: McGraw-Hill Education