Biden’s First 100 Days Plan
This week’s Election Central post updates you on President Biden’s goals for his First 100 Days in the White House. The world is watching to see what President Joe Biden accomplishes in his first 100 days. But why this particular time frame? What makes the first hundred days an important presidential benchmark? In 1933, during […]
Trump’s First 100 Days
This week, over on the Election Central Web site, the main story takes a look at President Trump’s first 100 Days in the White House. This past weekend marked the close of President Trump’s first 100 days in office. Traditionally, the 100-day point is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a new president. So how does […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
You Decide! Is the 100 Days Metric Useful? For decades, it has become tradition to measure a new president’s effectiveness at governing by his or her first 100 days in office. This practice began with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who, during his first 100 days, managed to sign 76 bills into law, declare (and then […]