Year in Review: Science and Technology
As another year winds down, btw takes a look at the advances made this year in science and technology. Here are some of the key events of 2016, from Alzheimer’s to Zika. Space In March, two Russian cosmonauts returned from the longest space mission ever. 2016 was a significant year for American astronauts as well: […]
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“Perfect Storm” of Factors Paralyzes Atlanta A week after the Northeastern part of the United States was hit with its latest polar vortex chill, the Southern states experienced their own rare weather phenomenon. A two-inch snowfall in Atlanta, Georgia caused massive gridlock on the city’s highways, leaving thousands of motorists stranded in their cars and […]
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Accidental Blast Rocks Benghazi With tensions in the Middle East high, it’s only natural that any kind of explosion would raise suspicions of continued terrorism. However, a May 13 explosion near the coast line of the Mediterranean Sea appears to have been accidental. At least 13 people are dead and more than 40 injured following […]