Moving Atlanta’s All-Star Game
This week’s Election Central post gives you some information on the political actions that resulted in sports consequences. On March 25, the Republican-controlled Georgia legislature passed new voting laws that changed procedures for requesting absentee ballots, the use of identification when voting in person, and new boundaries and restrictions on campaigning near voting sites. To […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
#StopAsianHate The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in the United States. But each group has had its own experiences. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have faced the job losses and economic hardships that many Americans have felt, and also were the target in a rise in anti-Asian racism. Former president Trump’s insistence on calling […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
McGrath Wins Kentucky Democratic Primary If you are a regular news consumer, you’ve probably heard of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican who is also the Majority Leader of the Senate. Democrats are eager for a chance to defeat McConnell’s reelection attempt in November, but first the Democrats have to complete the primary process. After […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Rigged Election Leads to Political Chaos in Bolivia Here in the United States, we’ve heard some accusations about the possibility of voter fraud and rigged elections. Right now, the nation of Bolivia is facing fallout from just this situation. Last month, President Evo Morales was elected to a fourth term in office. But an audit […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
The Pink Wave Since 2016, the number of women running for Congress has more than doubled. In fact, in 2018, there are 555 women running for 324 U.S. House, Senate, or governors’ races. For many female voters, it’s important to see a woman in office. And Trump’s continued unpopularity among American women makes them more […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
“Perfect Storm” of Factors Paralyzes Atlanta A week after the Northeastern part of the United States was hit with its latest polar vortex chill, the Southern states experienced their own rare weather phenomenon. A two-inch snowfall in Atlanta, Georgia caused massive gridlock on the city’s highways, leaving thousands of motorists stranded in their cars and […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
The Latest in Syria btw has been reporting on the on-going violence in Syria between President Bashar al-Assad and those who oppose him. The latest development concerns allegations that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against its own citizens. On August 21, a gas attack on the town of Ghouta (near Damascus) left 1,300 […]