Stuff YOU Should Know
Colombia’s New President Gustavo Petro was sworn in as Colombia’s new president on August 7, 2022. This inauguration was historic because Petro is Colombia’s first leftist president and he was a former member of M-19, an urban guerilla group which fought against the nation’s past authoritarian government. For more than fifty years, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Deadly Protests Rock Colombia Anti-government protesting in Colombia has paralyzed much of the nation. It all started in late April 2021 when the government proposed a new tax reform plan which called for an increase in taxes to make up for money lost during the COVID-19 pandemic (Colombia’s GDP dropped by 6.8 percent last year, […]

Santos Wins Nobel Peace Prize
On October 7, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Chosen from a record pool of 376 candidates, Santos, 65, was recognized for his efforts to end the civil war that Colombia has been fighting for 52 years. However, the decision was a controversial one. Civil War The ongoing guerrilla […]