Soaring Food Prices in India
In India, high inflation has combined with weather-related and other events to cause a steep increase in food prices. Inflation is a general rise in price levels. As inflation has raised prices, many basic food items, such as tomatoes and onions, are too expensive for many Indian families to afford. Inflated Food Costs Food costs […]
YOU DECIDE: Businesses at a Tipping Point
Imagine you’re buying a cup of coffee at a local cafe. A server brings the coffee to you. When you pay for it, you give an extra amount, called a gratuity or a tip, to the server. This is a common practice in places like restaurants. But lately, consumers have noticed greater expectations for tips. […]
State and Local Minimum Wage Increases in 2023
In 2023, an estimated 8.4 million American workers will see a raise in their hourly pay. This is because 23 states and Washington, D.C., are increasing their minimum wage. The raises range from an additional 23 cents per hour in Michigan to $1.50 per hour in Nebraska. Twenty-seven cities and counties are also increasing their […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Welcome Back to School! For many students, August means going back to school. Here are some tips for starting the new school year off right, before you ever even set foot in the classroom! Communicate with your teachers. Don’t be afraid to reach out in advance to introduce yourself. Getting to know your teacher and […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Zimbabwe Demonetizes Currency When the African country Zimbabwe gained its independence in 1980 from British rule, its currency had the approximate value of $1.25 US dollars. The economy was strong. In the early 1990s, however, President Robert Mugabe implemented government-sponsored economic programs that ultimately had a devastating effect on the country’s economy. Designed to “correct […]