The Annual Replastering of the Great Mosque of Djenné
The city of Djenné is located in the Inland Niger River Delta of West Africa. This small city is one of the most culturally significant locations in the nation of Mali. It has long been a center of trade and Islamic learning, closely connected to the famous city of Timbuktu. At the heart of Djenné […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
James Hong is Honored by Hollywood Hollywood’s star-studded Walk of Fame is iconic. Did you know that of the over 2,700 stars, only nineteen belong to people of Asian descent? The most recent honoree is James Hong, who has seven hundred film credits to his name. This includes roles in Blade Runner and Disney’s animated […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Back to School–Sort of “Back to school” can always be stressful. But this year it comes with a new set of challenges. School district leaders must make difficult decisions about whether to begin the school year in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid combination of these two directions. All plans bring with them their own difficulties. […]
Stuff YOU Should Know
Terrorist Attack in Mali Just days after the mass shootings in Paris, terrorists shot and killed at least 20 people in the Republic of Mali in Africa. The Radisson Blu hotel, located in the capital city of Bamako, is near many foreign embassies. On November 20, at least ten gunmen entered the hotel, shot guards […]