Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Team USA! (How Did We Do?) Now that btw has brought you stories of the preparation, and the economics surrounding the Sochi Olympics, we thought we’d finally focus on the athletes and the games. The last winter Olympics (2010 held in Vancouver, Canada) was the first time since 1932 that the United States won the […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

A Year of Action: President Gives State of the Union When writing the Constitution, our forefathers decided that our president would, “from time to time, give to the Congress information of the State of the Union.” In it, he would “recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary.” This means summarizing the […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Polar Vortex Explained If you live in the northeastern quarter of the United States, then you probably spent the first of the year hunkered down waiting for the weather to change. The abnormally low temperatures are being blamed on a phenomenon known as the polar vortex. While it may sound like the name of a […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Sochi Prepares for the Olympics Preparation for the Olympic Games often involves major improvements for its host cities. This means the construction of new venues, major updates of roads, telecommunication and transportation systems, as well as tourist amenities like new hotels and shopping. The city of Sochi, located in the Southern Federal District of Russia, […]
