Johnson Replaces May as Britain’s Prime Minister
This week’s story update on the Election Central Web updates you on a change in government across the Atlantic. Here in the U.S., all eyes are currently focused on the upcoming 2020 presidential election. But across the ocean, Great Britain saw a change in political power last week that will undoubtedly have an effect on […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
New Developments in Brexit For the past two years, Europe has tried to figure out the terms of Britain’s plan to leave the European Union (EU), a process known as “Brexit.” This has been complicated because Britain wants to stay connected to the EU in some ways, such as free trade, but separate itself on […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
UPDATE: Georgia’s Special Election Back in March, Election Central brought you a look at the hotly-contended congressional special election race in Georgia’s 6th district, and at Jon Ossoff, the 30-year-old Democrat who seemed poised to take a seat that has not gone to a Democrat since the Carter administration. Last Wednesday night’s special election, however, […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Brexit Officially Underway On March 29, British Prime Minister Theresa May will trigger Article 50, the official plan for any country that wants to leave the European Union (EU). The British government will also enact a Great Repeal Bill, which will end the rule of EU law in Britain. Once Article 50 is triggered, the […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Trump Meets with Prime Minister May Last Friday, President Trump held his first meeting and news conference with a foreign leader, British Prime Minister Theresa May. May, a conservative, took office after the British voted in favor of “Brexit,” or the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union (EU). During the press conference, President Trump […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Terrorist Attack in Nice Bastille Day, celebrated each year on July 14, is a French national holiday commemorating the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789. Like our Independence Day, Bastille Day is celebrated with military parades and fireworks. This year, the day was marked with tragedy and bloodshed. In Nice, a city located in […]