U.S. Elections and the Peaceful Transition of Power

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures during a meeting on October 24 in St. Augustine, Florida
This week, over on the Election Central Web site we take a look at the role of last-minute breaking news in presidential campaigns.
The third and final presidential debate took place on October 19 in Las Vegas, Nevada, between Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump. Towards the end of the debate, moderator Chris Wallace of FOX News commented on Mr. Trump’s allegations of fraud in the election process, and asked him if he would accept the outcome of the November 8 election. Mr. Trump refused to answer, saying that he would need to wait and see what the results were before deciding whether or not to accept them. Mr. Trump’s answer was significant because it marked the first time in U.S. history that a major party’s candidate for president has publicly questioned the legitimacy of our democratic elections.
To learn more, click here to visit the Election Central Web site.
And while you are viewing this story, make sure to read the other btw post up this week that allows you to vote on whether or not YOU think Trump will actually follow through this this joking (?) threat.