
The Science of Victory

Posted by on Jul 23, 2018 in Current Events
scientist viewing a sample using a microscope with rows of specimens in focus in front of her.

Some scientists are becoming more involved in political activism. But they need some help to be effective. Credit: Andrew Brookes AB Still Ltd/Getty Images

This week’s story update on the Election Central Web site take a look at the growing number of scientists who are entering the political realm.

Scientists and the regulators in the federal government often seem to be at odds with each other. President Trump, for example, has questioned the dangers of climate change and has appointed other politicians and individuals who have also questioned climate change to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Federal funding for science is also falling sharply. Now, many scientists have decided to fight back. But how?

By running for office. But do scientists have what it takes to win elections and try to speak their views in the halls of government? Here, Election Central takes a look.

To learn more about this story, click here to visit the Election Central Web site and read the full posting.

Credit: McGraw-Hill Education