YOU DECIDE: Should Election Day be a National Holiday?
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, is Election Day in the United States. People will be voting for a new president and vice president, along with members of Congress, and state and local issues and candidates. Some voters will have already voted by mail or through early voting. Others will vote in person at their local polling […]

YOU DECIDE: Should Primary Elections Be Open?
In the United States, members of political parties in each state choose candidates for a general election through caucuses, conventions, or primary elections. Most states choose to hold primaries. There are two major types of primaries: closed and open. A closed primary is when only the registered members of a political party can vote. […]

YOU DECIDE: Should Temporary Displays Be a Feature of the National Mall?
The National Mall and Memorial Parks in Washington, D.C., is home to some of the most beloved American monuments. These include the Lincoln Memorial, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. About 35 million people visit the National Mall every year to view these permanent structures of granite and marble. […]

YOU DECIDE: Businesses at a Tipping Point
Imagine you’re buying a cup of coffee at a local cafe. A server brings the coffee to you. When you pay for it, you give an extra amount, called a gratuity or a tip, to the server. This is a common practice in places like restaurants. But lately, consumers have noticed greater expectations for tips. […]

YOU DECIDE: Should Congress Raise the Debt Ceiling?
In 1917, Congress created the “debt ceiling,” which is the maximum amount of money that the U.S. Treasury can borrow to pay for government programs and activities. Since 1959, lawmakers of both political parties have raised the debt ceiling 89 times. Most recently, in 2021, President Biden signed legislation increasing the debt ceiling to $31.4 […]

YOU DECIDE: Nomans Land
Have you ever heard of a location being called a “No Man’s Land”? This phrase describes an uninhabited area that is under dispute. There is an island off the coast of Massachusetts that fits this description. It’s called Nomans Land and it is located just 3.1 miles (5 kilometers) south of Martha’s Vineyard. Few people […]

YOU DECIDE: Is It Necessary to Raise the Retirement Age?
Nikki Haley is campaigning to win the Republican Party presidential nomination. She recently proposed raising the age when Americans can collect Social Security retirement benefits. The idea of making people wait longer to receive money after their working career ends is controversial. Haley believes this change is necessary in order to save Social Security. Social […]

YOU DECIDE: Should the U.S. Lower the Voting Age to Sixteen?
New Zealand’s parliament is currently debating whether to lower the country’s voting age from eighteen to sixteen. This comes after the New Zealand’s Supreme Court ruled that setting the voting age at eighteen is age discrimination. Several other nations are considering similar measures, while nine–Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Malta, Nicaragua, and Scotland and Wales–have […]

YOU DECIDE: Should Community College Be Free?
Have you thought about your plans following high school graduation? Community colleges are a great option for many students. They are often closer to home and less expensive than traditional four-year universities. Many community colleges offer flexible hours for students who choose to work or raise a family at the same time. Presidents Obama and […]

YOU DECIDE: Should Foreign Travelers Who Aren’t Vaccinated Against COVID-19 be Denied Entry to the United States?
Novak Djokovic, the Serbian twenty-one-time Grand Slam tennis champion, is not competing in this year’s U.S. Open. Why? Because he’s not vaccinated against COVID-19. According to current U.S. regulations, any non-U.S. citizen must be fully vaccinated in order to enter the country. (Djokovic was also unable to participate in the Australian Open and was deported […]