The Euro Goes Digital
The euro is the official currency of the European Union, or EU, and it has been around for almost 25 years. But now, the European Central Bank (ECB) is considering creating a digital form of the euro. What does that mean, and how might it change the future of how people buy and sell things […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Close Up on Pluto Back in 2006, NASA launched New Horizons, a mission to explore the Kuiper belt. This is the region of our solar system that lies beyond our planets and includes Pluto. On July 14, the unmanned spacecraft made its closest approach, getting within 7,800 miles of the former planet (downgraded to dwarf […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Is Cooking Monkey Business? Consuming cooked food is considered to be an important evolutionary milestone for the human race. Since chimpanzees are closely linked to humans in terms of DNA composition and shared traits, researchers at Harvard University decided to conduct a study involving chimps and cooking devices. The series of experiments were conducted at […]

Examining the European Debt Crisis
The overall economy of Europe is in big trouble. For the past three years, the European countries bound together by economics have been engaged in ongoing talks over the best way to solve current problems and devise solutions for the future. To understand what is happening, btw brings you a big-picture view. The Brief History […]
Stuff You Should Know
Taliban Victim Returns to School In October, btw reported that a young educational activist named Malala Yousafzai had been shot by members of the Taliban in Pakistan. After five months of intense recovery and rehabilitation, she has returned to school. Malala, 15, was targeted by the extremist Islamic group because of her public opposition to […]
Stuff You Should Know
Nazi-looted Art Returned In the years leading up to and during World War II, members of the Nazi party looted the homes of Jewish families sent to concentration camps. They stole millions of items, including valuables like silver, china, books, religious treasures, and art. It was been over sixty years since the end of that […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Political Crisis in Greece Western governments, including the United States, are increasingly worried about Greece. Will the Greek government be able to get the country’s economy in order? Or will it fail to do so, possibly forcing Greece to leave the eurozone? The eurozone is the financial partnership of European countries that use the euro […]