Stuff YOU Should Know
Remembering the Women of Silent Film You may know that films used to be silent. Maybe you have even seen a clip of a silent film. But did you know that most silent films have been lost over time, destroyed by decay, fire, and other hazards? The ones that survive reveal only a limited picture […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Congressional Hearing on Flint Earlier this year, btw brought you news of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. This month, the federal government held a Congressional hearing on the matter. The purpose of a Congressional hearing is for members of a committee to listen to testimony in an effort to solve a situation through legislation. […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Was 2015 a Good Year for Jobs? In the years since the Great Recession, our economy has reported many episodes of upturn. But 2015 was the first prolonged stretch of job creation since the late 1990s. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (the government agency that collects economic data and distributes it to the American […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
New Star Wars Cast Announced It’s been thirty-seven years since the original Star Wars movie exploded into multiplexes everywhere. The franchise has managed to thrill its first fans and pick up several million more with its five subsequent sequels and prequels. Last month, Disney and Lucasfilm (the producers of the series) made public news about […]