France to Leave Burkina Faso After Request

France to Leave Burkina Faso After Request

Posted on Feb 2, 2023 in Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

Go home, France!  The military government in Burkina Faso along with protestors in the west African country’s capital of Ouagadougou made that demand in late January. In response, the French government removed its ambassador from Burkina Faso.  France also has agreed to withdraw its 400 special forces soldiers who are stationed there before the end […]

State and Local Minimum Wage Increases in 2023

State and Local Minimum Wage Increases in 2023

Posted on Jan 26, 2023 in Economics, Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

In 2023, an estimated 8.4 million American workers will see a raise in their hourly pay. This is because 23 states and Washington, D.C., are increasing their minimum wage. The raises range from an additional 23 cents per hour in Michigan to $1.50 per hour in Nebraska. Twenty-seven cities and counties are also increasing their […]

Powerful NASA Telescope Discovers New Exoplanet

Powerful NASA Telescope Discovers New Exoplanet

Is there life outside of Earth? That question has fascinated people for thousands of years. Books, movies, television shows, and radio programs have theorized and fantasized about the existence of life on other planets and in other galaxies.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists hope that the powerful James Webb Space Telescope gets them […]

Lunar New Year Begins

Lunar New Year Begins

Happy New Year! Lunar New Year–also known as the Spring Festival–began on January 22, 2023. The Lunar New Year represents renewal, as well as the transition from winter to spring, and is important in many Asian cultures and communities. Here, btw takes a closer look at the origins, significance, and traditions surrounding this holiday, as […]

Unlocking Opportunities for Young Kenyans with Recycled Computers

Unlocking Opportunities for Young Kenyans with Recycled Computers

Posted on Jan 19, 2023 in Education, Stuff You Should Know, World | No Comments

Digital technology has become fundamental to economic success in today’s society. It allows people, countries, and companies to participate more fully in the global economy. Small businesses can use digital technology to reach more customers. Digital skills unlock many new, high-paying jobs. However, people in less developed countries often lack access to these technologies.  The […]

Senator Mitch McConnell Makes History

Senator Mitch McConnell Makes History

The 118th Congress opened on January 3, 2023. Democrats and Republicans elect party leaders in the Senate and the House of Representatives at the start of each new session. The beginning of this Congress marked an important history-making event: Senator Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, became the longest-serving Senate party leader in American history. […]

President Biden Signs Respect for Marriage Act

President Biden Signs Respect for Marriage Act

On December 13, 2022, President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, a bipartisan bill that protects same-sex and interracial marriages at the federal level. Thousands attended the signing celebration on the South Lawn of the White House. Here, btw takes a closer look at the Respect for Marriage Act, its impact, and its legal […]

Update on the War Between Ukraine and Russia

Update on the War Between Ukraine and Russia

Posted on Dec 15, 2022 in Top Stories | No Comments

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of its neighboring country, Ukraine. At that time, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent approximately 200,000 soldiers into Ukraine. Russia sought to capture the capital city of Kyiv and overthrow the Ukrainian government in a matter of days. Initially, it looked like this would happen. Russia captured […]

Stuff YOU Should Know

Stuff YOU Should Know

Posted on Dec 14, 2022 in Stuff You Should Know | No Comments

Cuba Approves Women’s Boxing On December 5, 2022, Cuban officials announced that women will be able to compete in boxing in Cuba for the first time in history. Cuban women have competed in other contact sports, such as taekwondo, judo, karate, weightlifting, and wrestling. But they were not allowed to box. . Now, however, Cuba’s […]

YOU DECIDE: Should the U.S. Lower the Voting Age to Sixteen?

YOU DECIDE: Should the U.S. Lower the Voting Age to Sixteen?

Posted on Dec 8, 2022 in You Decide! | No Comments

New Zealand’s parliament is currently debating whether to lower the country’s voting age from eighteen to sixteen. This comes after the New Zealand’s Supreme Court ruled that setting the voting age at eighteen is age discrimination. Several other nations are considering similar measures, while nine–Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Malta, Nicaragua, and Scotland and Wales–have […]

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