Cell Phone Horns?
From Bigfoot to the criminal with the hook, you’ve no doubt heard a few urban legends. But what happens when the general public starts to believe that a certain urban legend is true? Recently, a story about some exotic health dangers associated with cell phone use grabbed headlines . . . though it later was […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Medical Fraud Scam Unveiled You’ve probably already heard about the recent college admissions scandal that rocked U.S. higher education. But last week, 24 people also were arrested in connection with another scandal that was far more lucrative (though decidedly less glamorous): medical braces. Here’s what happened: call centers in Latin America and the Philippines called […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Status of Trump’s National Emergency Back in February, Donald Trump sparked nationwide controversy when he declared a national emergency at the U.S. southern border in order to secure the funding he needed to begin construction on his border wall after Congress refused to approve it in the budget. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives immediately responded […]

Super Bacteria?
Over the past decade or so, hand sanitizers have become a growing trend. You’ve probably seen the little bottles clipped to purses and backpacks, or given out as freebies at fairs and other events. They’re also very common in hospitals and doctors’ offices. Often, the dispensers are installed in every room so that health care […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Five Types of Diabetes? Do you or someone you know suffer from diabetes? If so, you’re not alone: it’s the fastest-growing disease worldwide. Until recently, the disease has been classified into two types. Type 1, or early-onset diabetes, is the kind that people are born with. Type 2, or late-onset, develops over time. But scientists […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Town Hall Meetings Stir Up the United States Across the country, citizens are voicing their objections to President Donald Trump’s agenda using a method as old as our nation itself: by participating in town hall meetings. These meetings take place in churches, theaters, high school auditoriums, and many other venues, and give people a chance […]

New Guidelines for Peanut Allergies
Chances are, you or someone you know is affected by a peanut allergy. About 2 percent of children in the United States are allergic to peanuts, and the number is growing every year. For this reason, you may have heard that babies shouldn’t be fed peanuts. However, a new study has just come out that puts […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Paralyzed Man Regains Sense of Touch Nathan Copeland, who is 30 years old and has been paralyzed for the last 12 years, has just become the first person to feel the sense of touch in a prosthetic limb. For many years, the technology has existed to allow people to control robotic arms using just their […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Chile Uses Labels to Combat Obesity Despite its reputation, the U.S. is not the only country struggling with obesity. The availability of highly-processed, convenient foods worldwide has significantly changed how its people all over the world eat. In Chile, an estimated 67 percent of adults are obese or overweight. This phenomenon affects those across geographic […]

Stuff YOU Should Know
Celebrating Jackie Robinson As baseball season ramps up into full gear, Major League Baseball celebrated the 69th anniversary of legendary player Jackie Robinson’s first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Since 2004, on April 15, every current player in the league substitutes his own number for Robinson’s (42). Beyond his talent, his legacy is important because […]